Which publications were chosen? Note that these are only my academic publications. For my sporadically maintained blog on everything computer science and environmental conservation related, please visit this site. For my book list and book reviews, visit this site. And for my art, visit this site. I also edited and co-wrote a book using my experience as a geography bee and olympiad champion at the national level to help the next generation of contestants to succeed. Buy it from Amazon.
How are these organized? Sometimes, I have grouped multiple published papers into one listing. This can happen for multiple reasons, such as some papers being intermediate versions of another paper, or papers being associated with the code or dataset used by another paper. Wherever a listing has more than one published paper associated with it, I have specified how many published papers are represented by that listing. Click the link of each entry to see a longer description, along with links to download all the papers and code associated with each listing. For your convenience, links for the latest/most representative version of the listing are included in the short description itself.
2 papers (4 total versioned papers). Explanatory systems give us a peek under the hood of blackbox ML models. This collection encompasses my work analyzing differences between explanatory systems, quantifying these differences, and integrating the resulting metrics into machine learning pipelines.